Empyrion Galactic Survival

Configuring Your Dedicated Server

Step 1 :
Download and Copy the Scenario from the Workshop to your server’s Scenario Folder and rename the Workshop Numbered Folder to Anything ( you will select this in the dedicated.yaml file )

All dedicated Servers Require a dedicated.yaml
below is a sample config

    Srv_Port: 30000
    Srv_Name: 'Private Server'
    Srv_Public: true
    Srv_Password: 1234
    EACActive: true
    MaxAllowedSizeClass: 0
    AllowedBlueprints: All
    HeartbeatServer: 0
    TimeoutBootingPfServer: 180
    Tel_Port: 26604
    Srv_MaxPlayers: 10
    SaveDirectory: Saves
    Srv_StopPeriod: 24
    Srv_ReservePlayfields: 1
    Srv_Description: 'Hosted by '
    Tel_Enabled: true
    KickPlayerWithPing: 1000
    LogFlags: 0
    HeartbeatClient: 0
    GameName: SaveGameName
    Mode: Survival
    Seed: 33564
    CustomScenario: Starscorcher_Universe

You need to Set the details to match your servers
Port Numbers, Passwords, etc
the GameName name needs to be Unique for every game you run as this is the save folder location
CustomScenario is the same of the scenario folder you set earlier when you copied the scenario to the server

Note: if you dont rename the workshop folder from the random numbers ie 23456787 it will cause a loading loop for the scenario and wont run corectly

Setting Game Options
eg. gameoptions.yaml

## the game takes the one from the scenario and stores it in the savegame folder, you can edit the file there, restart the server for changes to take effect

- ValidFor:
  - SP
  - MP
  - Survival
  ProtectTime: 0
  ProtectDelay: 0
  MaxStructures: 700
  AntiGriefDistancePvE: 0
  AntiGriefDistancePvP: 0
  AntiGriefOresDistance: 0
  AntiGriefOresZone: All
  EnableMaxBlockCount: false
  AutoMinerDepletion: false
  GroundedStructureSpawn: false
  FriendlyFireInPvP: false
  DespawnEscapePod: true
  RegeneratePOIs: true
  OriginFactionStart: true
  DiffEscapePodContent: Easy
  DiffPlayerProgression: Faster
  DiffDegradationSpeed: Low
  DiffPlayerBackpackDrop: DropBagOnly
  DiffFoodConsumption: Low
  DiffOxygenConsumption: Low
  DiffRadiationTemperature: Low
  DiffAmountOfOre: Rich
  DiffNumberOfDeposits: Plenty
  DiffAttackStrength: Hard
  DiffDronePresence: High
  DiffDroneBaseAttack: High
  DiffConstrCraftTime: Faster
  DiffBpProdTime: Faster
  ProtectTime: 0
  AntiGriefDistancePvE: 0
  GroundedStructureSpawn: False
  EnableTrading: All
  ForcePvP: false
  UndergroundBpSpawn: Always
  EnableVolumeWeight: False
  EnableCPUPoints: False

Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online – Jem’Hedar Intro/Start Played by Starscorcher’s Gamer Blog (ft. Cuteybooty)

Just a Quick Vid of playing the Jemhedar Start & Intro

Visit My Facebook https://www.facebook.com/starscorcher/
for more of my videos, Like and Follow this page as well to chat in streams

And don’t forget to drop by Cuteybooty’s page https://www.facebook.com/cuteybootygaming/ and follow her.


#X4foundations just some screens of my verious logos used in X4 foundations

Next Screenshot is from #EmpyrionGalacticSurvival a scene i made of the Borg Chasing and assimilating the Enterprise NCC-1701 Constitution Class , it was a spur of the moment things which is why its planet side rather than in space

CCP Continues to Stick their Middle Finger Up at paying Players

Recently CCP announced in this article that


We are also planning a set of targeted changes to somewhat reduce the levels of drone skills available to alpha clones. These changes are focused on our ongoing anti-botting efforts, since large scale parallelized farming of nullsec anomalies with alpha clones is a popular tactic among botters.

Our planned changes to the alpha clone skill caps are:

  • Reducing Heavy Drone Operation from level IV to level III
  • Reducing Medium Drone Operation from level V to level IV
  • Reducing Drone Interfacing from level IV to level III

So #CCP here is the issue as you will see noted by many players what do you plan to do for the many players that have spent “Real” Money via your in game store to buy Alpha Injectors to inject into these skills

I Mean you seriously cant take something players have paid for then months down the line remove it from the Free 2 Play Skill set , if the players were not spending real money fine , but many Alpha Clone players cant afford the Sub to Omega so they spend the cast to get the Alpha maxed out for their Ship / Play Style , with no way of removing or reassigning those points you are committing theft of the money paid by thee players

Yet another Reason Players are leaving EvE Online and why you wont get many of these players back