2024 Update

Coming in 2024

Over 2024 i will be continuing to share content from
Star Citizen
I will do some live streams as well as some video recaps of my adventures in the verse

Become a Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd and get 5,000 free Credits https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-SN52-NCDG

Empyrion Galactic Survival, and its new DLC Dark FAction

My Emperyon Scenario is going to be updated to support the DLC once it is released
and will be from this link on Steam Workshop


I’ve just updated my Linktree with my latest content – check it out here! https://linktr.ee/starscorcher?utm_source=linktree_admin_share

Starscorcher Universe

Empyrion Scenario – Update

An upcoming update to the scenario is going to see some Custom NPC Factions added
in many areas, they will replace some or all the default NPC Factions, Default NPC factions will still be present on Starter worlds

At Present the new factions are planned to be based on the outline below
i am currently working on POI’s for each Faction as well as Quests to be added with dialog if the system can support it custom Traider NPC’s as well

Faction Names

Default Factions ( to be Kept but reduced in numbers )

Human Factions


United Earth (UE) – the Main Faction for Earth and its Colonies

Martian Independent States (MIS) – The Main Faction for Mars and its Colonies Fighting all other Human Interests for independence from eath

Independent Russian States (IRS) – Humans that are fighting the (UE) & (IRC)

Imperial Republic of China (IRC) – Humans that are fighting the (UE) & (IRS)

Outer System Exports (OSE) – Neutral
Halcyon Private Security (HPS) – Mandy – Neutral
Cuteybooty Entertainment (CBE) – Cutey – Friendly
Outer System Mining (OSM) – Neutral

Human Liberation Front (HLF) – Hostile to ALL


Commonwealth of Independent Worlds (CIW) – Friendly ( The (CIW) are a large group of allied independent worlds hoping to bring Earth and Mars into their Alliance
Empire of Zukreth (EZ) – Hostile – Vows to Conquer all of the Universe, has a large Fleet, and often has Staging areas on the edge of systems it vows to conquer.

Republic of Nethron (RN) – Neutral – the Natheronians are a large cluster of worlds that have recently invented warp drive, previously they relied on Ancient POrtals to explore distant worlds after discovering a crashed Earth Ship they reverse-engineered the Warp drive and have recently made contact

Machanoids (M) – An Ancient AI-based entity, believed to be the remnants of a once advanced Civilisation the Mechanoids are consuming the universe of its resources

Starscorcher Empire (Star) – Friendly – Based in the Starscorcher System this race of beings are believed to be Godlike in power

Intersteller Minng & trade (IMT) – Friendly
Nethron Exports (NE) – Neutral
Zukreth Exports & Trade (ZET) – Unfrendly

Nethronian Exiles – Hostile to ALL
Heretics of Zothlar – Hostile to ALL

Moving Forward Several Custom Planets will be altered and renamed
Endor and Dagobah are planned to have their names changed
and the following are to be added

World/System Names
Netheron (Republic of Nethron)
Zukreth (Empire of Zukreth)
Mechanar Prime (Machanoids)
Wrethlarx (Comonwealth of Independent Worlds)

Terran Solar System Changes
– addition of more Moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune & Uranus

– Replacement of the Earth Spacedock POI**
– Replacement or Removal of the Bajoran Star System **
(** these will return in a planned Star Trek Themed Scenario I’m working on )


On boarding & Tier 0 , here i show new players the very start of game play, future videos will show progress through the tiers and exploration of the Map, as well as other Start areas past this point.