WoW – Midsummer Fire Festival

So my wife convinced me to come back to wow and guess what Midsummer Fire Festival was on, this happens to be one of my favorites because of the gold and xp alts get as well as the herloom upgrades you can do

with wowhead always crashing in my browser i decided to create a list of the firs myself for the festival

screenshots to come


Zone Coords Location
Ally Ashenvale 87, 42 Forest Song
Stonetalon Mountains 49, 51 Mirkfallon Lake
Azuremyst Isle 44, 53 Azure Watch
Bloodmyst Isle 55, 69 Blood Watch
Darkshore 49, 23 Lor’danel
Desolace 65, 17 Nijel’s Point
Dustwallow Marsh 62, 40 Theramore Isle
Feralas 47, 44 Feathermoon Stronghold
Southern Barrens 48, 72 Fort Triumph
Silithus 60, 33 Cenarion Hold
Tanaris 52, 29 Gadgetzan
Un’Goro Crater 60, 63 Marshal’s Stand
Uldum 53, 32 Vir’naal Oasis
Teldrassil 54.8, 52.9 Dolanaar
Winterspring 61, 47 Everlook
Horde Zone Coords Location
Ashenvale 51, 66 Silverwind Refuge
Desolace 26, 76 Shadowprey Village
Durotar 52, 47 Razor Hill
Azshara 60, 53 Bilgewater Harbor
Dustwallow Marsh 33, 30 Brackenwall Village
Feralas 72, 47 Camp Mojache
Mulgore 51, 59 Bloodhoof Village
Silithus 51, 41 Cenarion Hold
Stonetalon Mountains 53, 62 Sun Rock Retreat
Tanaris 49, 27 Gadgetzan
Un’Goro Crater 56, 66 Marshal’s Stand
Uldum 53, 34 Vir’naal Oasis
Northern Barrens 50, 55 The Crossroads
Southern Barrens 41, 68 Desolation Hold
Winterspring 58, 47 Everlook
Neutral Bonfires
Zone Coords Location
Mount Hyjal 63, 23 Nordrassil
Capital Cities
Zone Coords Location
Darnassus 63, 47 Warrior’s Terrace
Orgrimmar 47, 38 Cliffs above the Valley of Wisdom
The Exodar 41, 26 The Crystal Hall
Thunder Bluff 21, 26 Spirit Rise
Eastern Kingdoms
Ally Zone Coords Location
Arathi Highlands 44, 46 Refuge Pointe
Blasted Lands 58, 17 Nethergarde Keep
Burning Steppes 68, 60 Morgan’s Vigil
Dun Morogh 54, 45 Kharanos
Twilight Highlands 47, 28 Thundermar
Duskwood 73, 55 Darkshire
Elwynn Forest 43, 65 Goldshire
Loch Modan 32, 40 Thelsamar
Badlands 19, 56 Dragon’s Mouth
Swamp of Sorrows 76, 14 Bogpaddle
Redridge Mountains 24, 53 Lakeshire
Northern Stranglethorn 51, 63 Fort Livingston
The Cape of Stranglethorn 50, 70 East of Booty Bay
The Hinterlands 14, 50 Aerie Peak
Western Plaguelands 43, 82 Chillwind Camp
Westfall 45, 62 Moonbrook
Wetlands 13, 47 Menethil Harbor
Horde Zone Coords Location
Arathi Highlands 69, 42 Hammerfall
Badlands 24, 37 New Kargath
Burning Steppes 51, 29 Flame Crest
Twilight Highlands 53, 46 Bloodgulch
Eversong Woods 46, 50 North Sanctum
Ghostlands 46, 26 Tranquillien
Hillsbrad Foothills 55, 50 Tarren Mill
Western Plaguelands 29, 57 The Bulwark
Silverpine Forest 50, 38 The Sepulcher
Blasted Lands 46, 14 Dreadmaul Hold
The Cape of Stranglethorn 50, 70 East of Booty Bay
Northern Stranglethorn 40, 51 Grom’gol Base Camp
Swamp of Sorrows 76, 14 Bogpaddle
The Hinterlands 76, 74 Revantusk Village
Tirisfal Glades 57, 52 Brill
Capital Cities
Zone Coords Location
Ironforge 64, 25 Hall of Explorers
Silvermoon City 70, 43 Court of the Sun
Stormwind City 49, 72 The Canals
Undercity 68, 9 Ruins of Lordaeron
Ally Zone Coords Location
Blade’s Edge Mountains 42, 66 Sylvanaar
Hellfire Peninsula 62, 58 Honor Hold
Nagrand 50, 70 Telaar
Netherstorm 31, 63 Area 52
Shadowmoon Valley 40, 55 Wildhammer Stronghold
Terokkar Forest 55, 55 Allerian Stronghold
Zangarmarsh 69, 52 Telredor
Horde Zone Coords Location
Blade’s Edge Mountains 50, 59 Thunderlord Stronghold
Hellfire Peninsula 55, 40 Thrallmar
Nagrand 51, 34 Garadar
Netherstorm 32, 68 Area 52
Shadowmoon Valley 33, 30 Shadowmoon Village
Terokkar Forest 52, 43 Stonebreaker Hold
Zangarmarsh 36, 52 Zabra’Jin
Neutral Bonfires
Zone Coords Location
Shimmering Expanse 49, 42 Silver Tide Hollow
Zone Coords Location
Deepholm 49, 51 Temple of Earth
Ally Zone Coords Location
Borean Tundra 55, 20 Fizzcrank Airstrip
Crystalsong Forest 78, 75 Windrunner’s Overlook
Dragonblight 75, 44 Wintergarde Keep
Grizzly Hills 34, 61 Amberpine Lodge
Howling Fjord 58, 16 Fort Wildervar
Sholazar Basin 47, 66 River’s Heart
The Storm Peaks 42, 87 K3
Zul’Drak 41, 61 The Argent Stand
Horde Zone Coords Location
Borean Tundra 51, 12 Bor’gorok Outpost
Crystalsong Forest 80, 53 Sunreaver’s Command
Dragonblight 39, 48 Agmar’s Hammer
Grizzly Hills 19, 61 Conquest Hold
Howling Fjord 48, 13 Camp Winterhoof
Sholazar Basin 47, 62 River’s Heart
The Storm Peaks 40, 86 K3
Zul’Drak 43, 71 The Argent Stand
Zone Coords Location
Kun-Lai Summit 71.1, 90.9 Binan Village
The Jade Forest 47.2, 47.2 Dawn’s Blossom
Krasarang Wilds 74.0, 9.49 Zhu’s Watch
Townlong Steppes 71.5, 56.3 Longying Outpost
Valley of the Four Winds 51.8, 51.4 Halfhill
Dread Wastes 56.1, 69.5 Soggy’s Gamble
Vale of Eternal Blossoms 77.8, 33.9 Mogu’shan Palace (both bonfires)
Zone Coords Location
Shadowmoon Valley 42.6, 36.0 Embaari Village
Talador 43.5, 71.8 Retribution Point
Spires of Arak 48.0, 44.7 Veil Terokk
Gorgrond 43.9, 93.8 Bastion Rise
Nagrand 80.7, 47.6 Ring of Trials
Frostfire Ridge 72, 65 Grom’gar
Broken Isles
Zone Coords Location
Stormheim 32.5, 42.2 Road to Highmountain
Highmountain 55.5, 84.5 Ironhorn Enclave
Val’sharah 44.9, 57.9 Howling Dale
Azsuna 48.3, 29.7 Azurewing Repose
Suramar (A) 23.0, 58.4 Bridge by Azsuna
Suramar (H) 30.4, 45.4 Path by Meredil